K. R. Morrison | So many books have been written and stories told, But why?

 K. R. Morrison | So many books have been written and stories told, But why?

Why do authors put endless efforts into creating a piece of art derived from imagination, knowledge, or experiences? Let’s try to find out. Some write to make money. This helps them to pay bills, to have a roof over their heads, and to support their families. Others choose this path because of their love of creating something new, something that can captivate a reader’s attention. There are still others who have a different agenda – a need to educate the population, warn, inspire, and/or lead readers in the right direction.

I have met a few authors whose fictional books cover the reality of what is going on in our lives and in this chaotic world.

It is a known fact that the Devil exists, as Hell does. There is an ongoing battle in this world – a battle between good and evil. Demonic forces constantly try to destroy our relationship with God and to take away any chance that we might have to enter paradise.


If you look around, what do you see?


  • War in Yemen: More than 10,000 people killed, and 3 million people displaced
  • Violence in the Democratic Republic of Congo: 4.1 million people internally displaced. Rape cases, sexual violence, human rights violations, and widespread poverty seen
  • Syrian civil war: According to the Syrian Center for Policy Research and the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, more than 470,000 people have been killed, and 4.8 million have left the country.

There are other countries that are going through the same problems, but I won’t list all of them.

Along with conflicts/wars, we are witnessing cases of domestic abuse, drug addiction, violence, increased crime rates, lost lives due to crime, and depression or illness. Marriages fall apart. Some walk this earth feeling lonely and dejected, either filled with hate or low self-esteem. Are these elements caused by choices, mistakes, wrong desires, the thirst for power, mental illness, or greed? Or is there something else that causes destructive events?

Chaos in this world is caused not only by humans’ own will and actions, but also by evil forces that indirectly push mankind into a life of sin by planting the desires of greed, power, and lust. They feed our emotions with anger and jealousy and push us into a depressed state of mind.

K.R. Morrison tries to show the real side of evil, as well as its battle for the human soul, in her book, Be Not Afraid. K.R. has lived in the Pacific Northwest for over 20 years. Be Not Afraid is the first book in her four-part series, Pride’s Downfall.

Be Not Afraid is the marvelous story of Lydia’s struggle with dark forces. A woman whose life is peaceful suddenly faces dark forces that put her in great pain and trouble. Her entire family becomes the prey of a cunning and evil vampire—one that represents the devil himself. She has two choices—either to accept defeat or fight for the future of humanity against the dark forces that are after every human soul. The way the author depicted the classification and the love of Jesus makes one emotional.

In her marvelous masterpiece, she shows us how a cunning demon enters someone’s life possessed by one goal—to destroy. This is what Satan does best—he takes every step to hunt a soul down and take God’s grace from it. Only faith in God and constant prayer stand in his way.

In order to find out what pushed K.R. Morrison to write Be Not Afraid, I decided to ask her a few questions.

Emiliya Ahmadova: When did it dawn upon you that you wanted to be a writer?

K.R. Morrison: I don’t believe I ever “wanted” to be a writer. This tangent in my life was pretty much pushed on me by circumstances that it seemed I had no control over.

Emiliya Ahmadova: Is it true that the topic of Be Not Be Afraid was inspired by your dream?

K.R. Morrison: I can’t say that it was a “dream” as much as it was a nightmare.

Emiliya Ahmadova: Can you please tell us what it was about?

K.R. Morrison: It was very short, but I could sense everything about it. I was being bitten by a vampire—even now the memory makes me cringe—and I could feel my veins collapsing and my heart speeding up, then gradually slowing. That’s when I woke up. Once I realized it had been a nightmare, I sort of fell back to sleep and dreamed another scene that’s in the book.

It didn’t stop there. Instead of becoming a mere memory, the dream(s) kept going through my head, and every time the story got longer and more detailed. This went on without ceasing for about three weeks. At this point, it took about an hour to go through the entire thing. Then it would start over again, all the time I was awake.

Once I finally wrote it all down (in about two weeks’ time), the dream left my head.

Emiliya Ahmadova: What was your purpose of writing Be Not be Afraid?

K.R. Morrison: At the time, it was merely to try to get it out of my head. But as I wrote, it seemed to me that there was a message I was supposed to convey. And when saints and angels, and God Himself, came into the picture, I knew this was much more than the alleviation of a pesky nightmare.

Emiliya Ahmadova: What was your hardest scene to write?

K.R. Morrison: Anything in which the vampire actually did his dirty work. It scares me to even read those scenes—I can hardly believe I wrote them. But I did—with one hand over my eyes!


Emiliya Ahmadova: Why did you choose a vampire as your main evil character?

K.R. Morrison: This character was not of my doing—as noted above, that was the main culprit in the nightmare.


Emiliya Ahmadova: What is the most important thing about your book in your opinion?

K.R. Morrison: It shows the love between people and faith that never gives up.


Emiliya Ahmadova: Does Be Not afraid, convey a message?

K.R. Morrison: It is this: God loves all of His creation, humans especially, and will never turn aside from anyone who seeks Him—no matter what religion or belief.

Emiliya Ahmadova: In what format your book can be bought and where?

K.R. Morrison: Good question—let me go look those up…The best place, I guess, would be Amazon. This is my author page.

Emiliya Ahmadova: Have you written any other books?

K.R. Morrison: There is a prequel to this one, called UnHoly Trinity. My third and fourth books in the series have not been published yet.


Emiliya Ahmadova: How long on average does it take you to write a book?

K.R. Morrison: This one took a month or so of feverish writing. Thank heavens my family left me alone so I could get it done. The other two (which was one, but then was split because it was too large) took a year or so. My fourth took a couple of years due to having to work full-time.


Emiliya Ahmadova: How did it feel when your first book got published?

K.R. Morrison: Fantastic! There is little to compare with it.


Emiliya Ahmadova: Is there anything you are currently working on that may intrigue the interest of your readers?

K.R. Morrison: For now, I am editing other people’s work and holding down a job. Not much time for writing right now.


Emiliya Ahmadova: How do you see writing? As a hobby or a passion?

K.R. Morrison: A hobby now. The first one was an obsession.


Emiliya Ahmadova: Is it true that anyone can be a writer?

K.R. Morrison: Of course, anyone can write—but to be a good writer, it takes a lot of skill and a lot of help from beta-readers, editors, and others who are willing to help you craft your manuscript.


Emiliya Ahmadova: What advice do you have for writers?

K.R. Morrison: Do not, under any circumstances, publish with a vanity press. These are the companies that make you pay thousands of dollars just to get your book into print. You will not make a profit until you have sold hundreds of books.

Read more for K.R. Morrison

goodreads.com (Be Not Afraid)

goodreads.com (Unholy Trinity)

Facebook Profile

Private Website K.R. Morrison

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Η Οικογένεια του e-Charity.gr Portal, απέναντι στην λογική της απλής κριτικής και της ακατάσχετης αποποίησης ευθυνών ή της άκρατης φιλολογίας, αναλαμβάνει τις ευθύνες του μέλλοντος, ΣΗΜΕΡΑ. Για εμάς, εσάς, το ΑΥΡΙΟ των παιδιών μας. Με μεράκι, αγάπη στον συνάνθρωπό μας κι αφοσίωση στον στόχο μας, συναντιόμαστε από κάθε γειτονιά της Ελλάδας, με έναν σκοπό. Να κάνουμε το όραμά μας, ΠΡΑΞΗ. Την Αλληλεγγύη, ΖΩΗ.

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